Charlie Fajole, âgé de 29 ans, a été condamné à une peine de 12 ans de prison par la cour d’assises de la Sarthe pour le délit de « violences volontaires ayant entraîné la mort sans intention de la donner ». Cette condamnation fait suite à l’accident mortel dans lequel le policier Eric Monroy a été percuté par Charlie Fajole au Mans en août 2020.
12-year prison sentence for the death of a police officer
Charlie Fajole, 29 years old, was sentenced to 12 years in prison on Wednesday by the Sarthe Assize Court for « intentional violence leading to death without the intention to give it » in the case of the death of police officer Eric Monroy. The trial lasted three days and the jury deliberated for four hours. Commissioner Christophe Cordier and his predecessor, Emmanuel Morin, were present throughout the trial, along with Eric Monroy’s colleagues, who was married and a father.
The tragedy occurred on the night of August 5 to 6, 2020, in Le Mans. Police officer Eric Monroy had tried to stop Charlie Fajole around 3:30 am when he fell asleep at the wheel of a car at an intersection. After waking up in a daze, the suspect accelerated rapidly. Less than 200 meters away, his car crashed into a wall at 60 km/h, causing the ejection and almost immediate death of the police officer, who suffered multiple fractures and internal bleeding.
Previously convicted three times
Charlie Fajole, a father from Sarthe, had already been convicted three times for various offenses, including drug trafficking and refusal to comply. His lawyer, Me Jean de Bary, argued for the charge of involuntary manslaughter, citing « confusional awakening » at the time of the incident, a theory supported by a psychological expert but ultimately dismissed by the Assize Court.
Me Laurent-Franck Liénard, lawyer for the Monroy family, and the prosecutor Florence Leroux-Ghristi emphasized the « voluntary » nature of the act. « He wanted his fall, he achieved his death, » emphasized the prosecutor, who had requested a 15-year prison sentence.
The article reports on the sentencing of Charlie Fajole to a 12-year prison term for the death of police officer Eric Monroy. The trial lasted three days and the jury deliberated for four hours before reaching a verdict. Fajole, who had a history of criminal convictions, was found guilty of intentional violence resulting in death. The prosecutor argued that the act was voluntary, while the defense claimed it was an involuntary act due to confusion.
This case highlights the tragic consequences of reckless behavior on the road and the importance of road safety. The severity of the sentence reflects the gravity of the offense and sends a message that such actions will not be tolerated. The involvement of the police commissioner and his predecessor throughout the trial shows the significance of this case within the law enforcement community.